Hey Everyday Leaders,
I don’t take anything in my life as a coincidence when it comes to timing. I believe when we grow, our awareness allows us to align our energy to help us realize our potential.
My mom is an amazing human being that believes in and supports everyone she meets. She had a huge heart to love others wholly.
There is no doubt in my mind that John Maxwell is in my life as my mentor.
Here are a few facts that I believe are significant factors to how God puts us in the right circles when we are ready.
Let me know what you think about these:
1: My real father passed away when I was five years old, his name was John.
2: John and his wife Margaret’s Wedding Anniversary is on my birthday Jan 12. This year they celebrated 53 years of marriage, I turned 55.
3. John’s Father Melvin preached with my great grandfather at my great-grandparents Evangelistic Center in Indianapolis, IN back in the 1950’s.
4. Melvin Maxwell died, July 4, 2020 in Winter Haven, Fla. My fathers identical twin, Jim Qualls passed away on July 17, 2020 in Orlando, Fla. Becuase my uncle was my dad’s identical twin, this was like my “real father” dying all over again. I felt significant pain as John Maxwell shared life lessons with us about his fathers passing.

What I know, is without intentional growth, I would not have experienced the level of deep appreciation for how these two people express love to others.
It’s no doubt that these two were born just one day apart and in the month of LOVE!
Happy Birthday Mom and John!
Thank you!
Ready to learn more about how to become more aware of the important things that can impact your life, and show more gratitude?
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