Kelsie Sparks is a long-time Johnson County resident and currently lives in Greenwood. She works for Habitat for Humanity of Johnson County as the Resource Development Coordinator, is the Color Commentator for the Indianapolis Alleycats professional Ultimate team, and is a licensed Realtor. She has a bachelor’s degree in business management from Grace College, as well as experience in marketing, partnerships, and sales. Kelsie loves sports and has spent many years both playing and coaching soccer and ultimate frisbee. Kelsie played ultimate frisbee professionally for Indy Red in 2021 and enjoys her media role with the Alleycats.
Kelsie is passionate about building relationships and giving back to the community, and loves that her position at Habitat allows her to do just that.

Pictured above, Everyday Business Leader Kelsie Sparks joins Melahni Ake, host of Everyday Business Leaders in the JPtheGeek Studio.
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