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The Impact of Personal Leadership

Writer: Melahni AkeMelahni Ake

Updated: May 14, 2022

From the time we are born, every day and every minute of our life, we are challenged with choices that are in front of us. The choices that we make ultimately do one of two things. They help us to improve, or they will teach us a valuable lesson.

The great thing about our life is that when we learn how to make better choices, we learn how to improve our lives every single day.

What I have learned over the last two decades and over 35,000 hours of studying, applying and coaching leadership principles to sales teams, military units, business owners and individuals is that every single person on the planet has the potential to improve in this area. Choosing to be a better leader in our lives starts with our ability to improve ourselves.

These three personal development “tips” have made the biggest impact in my life as a leader, my hope is this list will encourage you to become aware of areas in your life that you can improve and take action to implement these.

Let’s get started!

TIP #1: Create a gratitude list with daily affirmations: Keep a notepad or journal and pen by your bed. The first thing every morning (yes, even before you check your phone) begin by making a list of the 25 things that you are grateful for. This will reinforce your mindset to stay focused on your priorities that make an impact in your life. If you are new to this, give it time, it can take up to 21 days for a new action to become a habit. Stay with it!

TIP #2: Commit to a consistent personal growth plan: The 1% principle says this: If you commit to improving yourself 1% every day for 365 days straight you will gain a 37% return on your investment of time. Compounded that is a 3700% return for acting 14 minutes a day in one area of your life. Who would like that kind of return from your time?

TIP #3: Reflect on your results: Every day set time aside to reflect on your activities of the day in a notebook, journal, or tablet. It’s always a good idea to have a special place reserved just for this. Take at least 20 minutes to write down these three questions:

What was good about today?

What did I learn?

What can I improve for tomorrow?

My mentor, Dr. John C. Maxwell, who has written over 80 books on leadership, and is considered one of the greatest leadership coaches and trainers in the world teaches that personal growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better. So, without taking time to invest in ourselves we may struggle our whole lives to reach our potential.

Make a choice, start your personal growth journey at where we are building better leaders every day.

Melahni Ake founded Everyday Leaders in 2017, focusing on helping companies in developing leadership cultures, people, and processes. Melahni’s heart for servant leadership started with her training at Walt Disney World in the 80’s and over the last 30 years has worked in non-profit, banking, medical device sales, sales leadership, sales training, and international marketing. She is a 4 x best-selling author, certified with the John Maxwell Leadership Team in leadership coaching, speaking and training and corporate strategic planning with the WHY Institute. 317-556-7781.

By: Melahni Ake, President, Everyday Leaders Professional Coaching and Consulting

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