Pastor Danny Anderson delivered the Christmas message service this weekend.
One of the great reminders this weekend was the lesson of Mary and Joseph's first conversation about Mary finding out she was pregnant.
What her words were: "Joseph, there is a savior inside of me that is going to bring hope, change, and impact to the world." Watch the clip here
Here's the thing: By accepting Jesus to come into our lives, we receive this hope, courage, clarity, confidence and impact to change the world through him. His love shines through us and our actions. God has given us this opportunity as a gift inside of our hearts to receive new life.
It's just that simple.
If you are distraught, discouraged and displaced this holiday season and have not received Gods greatest gift into your heart, I want to encourage you to consider a new life, a new hope, a new opportunity to make a difference with your life. It's already inside of you!! Learn how to turn on and activate this strength like never before.
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