Panama Lidera Transformation Story
3,800 people trained
73 coaches
Countless lives changed (including mine)
Sept 23-28, 2004, I had the privilege of traveling to the beautiful country of Panama alongside colleagues to partner with Fundación Panamá Lidera to build on the momentum that had started a year ago to transform the country. Before our arrival, 75,000 adults and 100,000 students went through the process. Over two and a half days, we trained 3,800 new facilitators on the values-based ten-week process. Participants included individuals from the highest levels of government to students. When Mahatma Gandhi was transforming his native India, he challenged the people to be the change they wanted to see. These individuals model what that means.
Friends were made, people were developed, and impact was made. The goal was to change lives positively and mine was transformed in the process.
Veronica Glasse, an elementary school teacher, was my interpreter for three days, and I am so grateful for her help. She was my right hand all week and translated for me. This assignment would not have been possible without her!
If you’d like to learn more about our mission trip and the transformation impact that you can start, too, reach out, and I’ll help you start a table for your family, your small groups, or your organization.
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